The iron and steel industry is a basis for the development of a number of industries in the global economy: the defense industry, transportation and heavy engineering, energy and construction (including aeronautical and shipping construction). Moreover, the iron and steel industry is closely related to the chemical industry and light industry. It shows that the iron and steel industry has the potential to contribute to the competitiveness of national producers and to the growth of the national economy.
The main uses of dolomite in iron and steel industry are as a fluxing material for protection of refractory lining, and as a refractory raw material. Dolomite in iron and steel industry is normally used in three forms. These are raw dolomite which is also the natural form of dolomite, calcined dolomite, and sintered dolomite. When dolomite is used as a fluxing material then it is used as either raw dolomite or calcined dolomite. When dolomite is used for the protection of refractories, it is used in calcined form and when dolomite is being used as a refractory raw material, it is used in the form of sintered dolomite.