This production line by having high-technology equipment, Consumes 150 150 mm billets with the annual Capacity of 500,000 (ton/year) producing various grades of (A 1,A2,A3,A4) sizes 8-40 mm
All equipment for production line, furnace, Cranes, Water Treatment Plant (WTP), etc. Were supplied by DANIELi of Italy and Execution and Erection activities, under supervision of DANIELi’s supervisors, were performed by highly experienced engineers and technicians. An important feature of this production line is head-to-head welding of the billets or the Billet welder machine. This process decreases the amount of scraps on raw material.
Our products are varied into plain and reinforced bars with sized from 8-40 (mm) in production and sizes S-16 (mm) in Wire Rod from (in near future).
These products are available with the following standards:
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) A61 S United States, and BS 4449 United Kingdom.